Friday 19 August 2011

painless thorns... a story to tell...

I opened my tiny eyes with a virgin smile,
enter my new world after 9 months of domicile.
I saw myself growing happier every inch,
my legs stood still,even after hundreds of pinch.
 Drops of sympathy fall from every face i met,
 my confidence was flooded, by drops of discouragement.
 I was 14 ,when i started my rehabilitation,
 in crowd of stand at ease,my legs were in attention.
I throttle my mind to control my dreams,
 my legs were clever to dream and dream.
 They saw me running,they saw me jumping,
   they ran till my heart was pumping.
 They went to bata,they went to liberty,
  they tried all sizes of 9 10 and 13.
 They went from denominator to numerator,
 as they learned to press brake,clutch and accelerator,
 My legs had endless dreams to see,
 with every dream,confidence came up to knee.
 I started doing on what i can do,
   than on trying hard on what i can't do.
 I learned the tougher things to tackle,
  waiting for just an extra touch of miracle......

                                                                       by  Dr.sripal

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Tractor....Inspector....Mediator. and A Doctor.....

A  small incident  to share,
        Today  evening around 5.45pm,i was heading to my usual postoperative rounds.While i was driving,i saw a huge mob in the middle of the road.Initialy  i thought there must be a shooting of some flim going on,but when i approached near to the mob,i saw a toppled tractor,with 2 people lying on the footpath,of that 1 guy of age around 35 years,was having a ear bleed,but he was conscious and oriented,the other boy of age around 20 years was unconscious,lying stiff on the footpath,throwing convulsions,surrounded by people.I went and gave CPR(Cardio pulmonary resuscitation);chest thrust and mouth to mouth breath.Initialy it was difficult to find the pulse,but later after giving CPR he was gaining consciousness and was responding to deep stimulation.later the traffic inspector joined the mob,controling the people,which was later followed by the media people,taking photograph of the whole scene.later ambulance arrived and the injured boy was put on the stretcher with a hard cervical collar and they left to the hospital.
  By this incident i just want to tell u or infact make u realise that learning CPR and performing in a proper way is very important for every individual..
 I think every individual who get a driving liscence ,should learn CPR.